The abrupt question had such immediate reference to the subject of Mr Dombey's thoughts, that Mr Dombey was quite disconcerted. 这个突然提出的问题跟董贝先生正在思考的问题十分直接地联结着,因此董贝先生感到困窘。
CC Content Policy, may result in immediate termination of this Agreement, and may subject you to state and federal penalties and other legal consequences. CC内容政策,可能会导致立即终止本协议,且您本身必须接受州政府和联邦政府的罚款及其他法律后果。
Ad-centric, in which the ad server log entries are the immediate subject of measurement; 以广告为中心,广告服务器日志记录成为直接要测量的对象;
The president announced the immediate freeze of all Syrian government assets that are subject to U.S.jurisdiction. 奥巴马总统宣布立即冻结所有受美国管辖的叙利亚政府资产。
Always one to go beyond the immediate nature of the subject and look at it from a larger perspective. In perhaps a broader sense, biochemistry may be defined as a discipline in which biologic phenomena are analysed in terms of chemistry. 经常涉猎于所学课目外的知识,并能从一个更广阔的角度来看待问题。但从更广阔的意义上来说,可以把生物化学看作用是用化学知识来分析生物学现象的学科。
The author suggests immediate research and experiment works directed to the subject of application of A. C. to ships, and recommends installation of various systems on same type of ships to obtain direct comparisons, and conclusions to be drawn. 作者建议对交流电应用到船舶上的问题立即进行研究和试验,并建议在同一型式船舶上装置不同系统,以获得经验,得出结论。
So it is of immediate theoretical and practical significance for improving the academic level of modern Chinese history studies to explore the development of modern Chinese history subject from learning history and politics history perspectives. 对中国近代史研究的学科发展进行学术史和政治史的双重考察,对于整合和提升中国近代史研究学术水平有着重要的理论和实践价值。
It has an immediate significance to delve into the rationalization of contact in the combination of contact, practice and nature of subject. 在交往、实践和主体性的统一中探讨交往的合理化问题,具有重要的现实意义。
On the Cultivation of Sound Personality: A Immediate Subject for Ideological Work in Colleges 培育健全人格:高校思想政治工作的现实课题
In point of the relations between subject and object, phenomenon is the direct aim of cognition activities and the immediate result from the interaction of subject and object. 从主客体关系来看,现象是认识活动的直接对象物,是主客体相互作用的直接产物。
There is important theory valued and immediate significance to research ethics of property right. It can consist of an Ethics subject is of the characteristic on subject quality, study method and theory contents. 产权伦理的研究具有重要的理论价值和现实意义,可以构成一门具有特殊的学科特质、研究方法和理论内容的伦理学学科。
Reflection on their own behavior, to seek solution is the immediate subject of human. 反思自身行为,寻求解决之道成为了人类迫在眉睫的课题。